The 56th annual National Association of Estate Planners and Councils (NAEPC) convention is being held at the Cosmopolitan Resort in Las Vegas this week, and EVP Systems is there!
We’re on the vendor floor, at Booth 51, and are available to talk, answer questions, or take suggestions about our products and services. If you’re at the show, please stop by. We’d love to hear from you!

We’ll have information about our new EVP Office 8.4 release (including the ability to price international currencies and precious metals), EVP Everywhere, and details about our extensive security, privacy, and technology compliance. Modern businesses need not only great software, but rock-solid processes and policies that back them up, to ensure not only that your data is safe, but that the service will be there when you need it.
We’re also giving away a lot of EVP Systems swag — pens and mousepads, “international currency” chocolate coins and exclusive EVP socks!
Of course, you don’t need to be at the show to take advantage of everything that EVP Systems offers. EVP Office 8.4 can be downloaded from free from our website, and much of our security information and compliance details are available on-line. And, of course, we’re always happy to hear from you — for any reason: compliment, concern, or complaint — through our Support Department at (818) 313-6300 or