The National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC) annual convention is this week, November 12th through the 16th, and EVP Systems will be there, to answer questions, explain our offerings, and—just maybe—offer some hints about the features in the next version of EVP Office.
This is the 60th NAEPC conference, and it’s being held at Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. With two dozen presenters, and continuing education sessions, networking, and council leadership meetings—and getting to be in Florida in November—it looks to be a highlight of the year.

EVP Systems Vice President Christina Ramirez will be at the booth, eager to talk to clients, prospects, and anybody who has questions about the fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to value securities for estate or gift taxes—for humans, with EVP Office; for software, with EVP Everywhere; and for files, with EVP Upload.
EVP Systems is 40 years old in 2023, and we’ve seen the industry change in a thousand different ways over the decades. Through it all, we’ve kept up with customer needs and industry demands—everything from our hundred-page Compliance Omnibus, to valuing cryptocurrency and broker-quoted securities, to copy-and-paste from office-standard applications like Excel. No matter how complex your needs, EVP Systems will be there to help.

If you’re going the conference, be sure and come by the booth. Bring your questions and your suggestions. We’re eager to see you!