Estate Valuations & Pricing Systems, Inc. is the undisputed leader in providing ready-to-file estate- and gift-tax evaluation reports for IRS Form 706 and 709.
The company’s flagship product, EstateVal, accurately and completely prices millions of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and over a dozen other security types, in seconds. It’s used every day by thousands of banks, brokerages, and law firms, to value everything from single-security estates to gigantic, multi-billion-dollar portfolios.
EVP Systems is headquartered in a 2,375 square-foot building erected in 1900 by Dixie W. Thompson, and has been designated a “Structure of Merit” by the City of Santa Barbara. Our Support and Professional Services Departments are run out of an office in Woodland Hills, California, that also functions as a disaster recovery site. A regional sales and support office is hosted in Hickory, North Carolina.

Michael A. Walker, Ph.D., founded the company as Applied Economics in 1983, and incorporated as Estate Valuations & Pricing Systems, Inc. in March 1987. He remains President to this day.
EVP Systems currently offers three products:
- EVP Office, a suite of Windows applications that you install on your machine and run yourself
- Professional Services, which provides EVP Office reports to you without you having to do the typing or run the evaluations
- EVP Everywhere, a webservice that allows third-party software to easily integrate EstateVal’s pricing into their own reporting
- EVP Upload, a batch-processing system that accepts your portfolio files, prices the securities in them, and then adds that data back in, for you to then download
The company also has extensive legal and compliance documentation, easy ways to stay up-to-date, and a full list of fees and discounts.
If you have any questions, please contact our Support Department, or sign up for a free account.