EVP Systems is happy to announce that, once again, it is able to provide “single broker quotes” for estate and gift tax valuations across its full line of products, including EstateVal and GiftVal. Over 50,000 of these hard-to-find prices are available every day, starting today and going back to early January 2022.
Single broker quotes are prices for securities that are very thinly traded, making it difficult to find or confirm a consensus value. Usually, just one broker provides each price, requiring an extra degree of care and scrutiny. They’re also known as “broker-quoted securities” or “broker-dealer quotes.”

The new data comes from Refinitiv, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange, and covers tens of thousands of individual securities. We have access to prices starting January 3, 2022 and will continue to receive the data every day going forward. Unfortunately, prices prior to 2022 are not available.
EVP Systems originally lost access to single broker quotes on September 30, 2020, when our primary data provider—Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)—stopped supplying them. When evaluations were run after this date, the reports instead included a special note (“Price no longer available from data source”) to indicate that the previously available data was gone. This note will still be included if an evaluation is attempted for a date prior to what we have available in our database.
If you have any questions about single broker quotes or how they may affect your evaluations, please feel free to contact our Support Department at support@evpsys.com or (818) 313-6300.