On June 28, 2021, Microsoft released the first developer preview of the upcoming Windows 11. It’s a big change from previous versions, both aesthetically and internally, and EVP Office is ready for it. Over the past few days, we’ve tested all the functionality of the current version of our applications on the new system, and they are fully functional and work perfectly.

If and when you upgrade to Windows 11—not everybody will be able to with their current computers, because of the security requirements of the OS—your current EVP Systems software will work without a problem.
Of course, in the next several months before the official release from Microsoft, we’ll continue to test against each new version. While most of the EstateVal interface automatically adopts the new Windows 11 look-and-feel because we use the standard Microsoft controls, we’ll also be updating some of our custom elements to match the changes—for instance, the grid needs a refresh, as do our toolbar and menu icons. Before Windows 11 officially comes out, we’ll be fully in-line with the new visual design guidelines.
But these are minor and purely visual discrepancies. As of today and running on the very first release of the new OS, all EVP Systems software—EstateVal, GiftVal, CostBasis, and CapWatch—are all fully functional, and work without a problem.
Of course, even after Windows 11’s official release, we’ll continue to support all the previous version of Windows, back to Windows XP, which Microsoft discontinued support for a dozen years ago.
Whatever choice you make about Windows 11—upgrade right away, hold off for a while, ignore it completely—EVP Office will be available, tested, functional, and ready.