The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) goes into effect today, and EVP Systems is proud to announce that it fully adheres to the tough new standards, even though we are not big enough to require compliance. Your privacy is important to us, and we want you to know that you can trust us with your information.
The Act requires that a company be able to provide California residents with:
- What information is being collected about them.
- The ability to know if that information is being sold or disclosed and to whom.
- The ability to say no to that sale or disclosure.
- Access to their personal data.
- The ability to request that a business delete any personal information collected.
- The right to not be discriminated against because of such a request.
(EVP Systems acknowledges these rights for all our customers, not just California residents.)
Towards the transparency required by the law:
EVP Office, EVP Systems software suite, does not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) on the decedents or estates being evaluated. The only information delivered to our systems are the identifiers of the securities being priced and the date of evaluation. No personal details — name, account number, notes, report title, or even lot sizes — are transmitted or stored by EVP Systems.
Information about the evaluation itself — including the account code, the version of EVP Office, the serial number of the computer running the software, and the Windows username of the logged-in user — are transmitted for accounting and billing purposes. Additionally, users may decide to send “passthrough” information to identify an individual evaluation on the invoice, though that data can be anything the user decides, including information meaningless to us.
EVP Everywhere, EVP Systems evaluation webservice, has the ability to record and store information about the decedent or estate being evaluated, though as with the “passthrough” information in EVP Office, it is the user’s decision what to deliver to our servers. The system itself can be used without disclosing any details, save the identifier of each security, the date it is to be evaluated for, and the type of evaluation.
EVP Upload, EVP Systems batch processing platform, accepts uploads that may contain client information about decedents, and new files may be created from that that contain the same data, plus pricing. The system, however, allows for the removal of both files by the client, and no decedent PII is stored otherwise. The only information stored permanently are each security identifier, the date they were evaluated for, and the type of evaluation.
EVP Professional Services, EVP Systems mail-in evaluation service, does collect information about decedents and estates in order to properly run the evaluations requested. After an evaluation is processed, this information is no longer used except for billing purposes at the end of the month of the request.
Finally, EVP Systems has information about its clients and their employees, potentially including names, titles, postal addresses, phone numbers and e-mail address. This information is only used to contact our clients for purposes of doing business, including sending invoices and upgrade notices.
If any personal information beyond what is absolutely required to conduct business (such as Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, or other sensitive personal information) is ever sent to EVP Systems — for a decedent, estate, client or client’s employee — it is company policy to alert the client and then destroy the information.
None of the data EVP Systems has about its clients or their estate evaluations has ever, or will ever, be sold or disclosed to anyone outside the company.
If you have any requests for EVP Systems under the CCPA, or have any questions about our privacy policies, please e-mail and we’ll get you the information you need.